The Professor's Green Card Marriage by Heidi Cullinan

The Professor's Green Card Marriage

by Heidi Cullinan

I'll marry you.

Professor Valentyn Shevchenko isn't sure how to react when, after months of ineffective flirting, the cute barista's first words to him are a proposal. In many ways, Peter Grunberg is the solution to all his problems. With his work visa inexplicably denied, Valentyn is running out of options to keep from being deported. But is a green card marriage really the answer? Is it still a marriage of convenience when he's this attracted to his potential spouse?

Peter came to his uncle's coffee shop in Boulder, Colorado, to reset his life after his struggles with selective mutism returned with a vengeance. He never meant his first words to the handsome ecology professor to be an offer of marriage, but he's not backing out now. It doesn't matter that Peter struggles to find words. He can say everything he needs to with his body.

Though this relationship may have started out back-to-front, Valentyn and Peter are determined to make their fake marriage real. But one misstep in their immigration interview could bring everything crashing down. They'll have to hope that their love is enough to overcome all their obstacles and give them the prize they've both been dreaming of: a certified happy ever after.

Reviewed by Bookbee on

3 of 5 stars

I have read and enjoyed several epistolary novels in the past and have really enjoyed the style. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work for me in this novel. Instead of maximizing the intimate nature of their relationship, I found it distanced the characters from me, the reader.

I did find the information about selective mutism and the U.S. immigration process interesting.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 February, 2020: Reviewed