Time Out by Jill Shalvis

Time Out

by Jill Shalvis

'Hot as hell' - Amazon reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Playing with fire…

NHL ice hockey coach Mark Diego’s plan to spend time volunteering in his home town goes awry when he learns that not only is he coaching teenaged girls, but that the programme is coordinated by energetic (and five-foot-two-inches of trouble) Rainey Saunders, his childhood friend – and the woman he could never stand to see dating any other guy…

When their tempers flare, Mark and Rainey discover their fireworks burn very, very hot! But that'll just sweeten the victory. Because Mark plays only to win. And with Rainey, he's planning on playing very dirty indeed….


Perfect for fans of:

Ice hockey romance 🏒

Second chances ❤️

Spice 🌶️

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Mark Diego is a hotshot NHL coach from a small town. Rainey never left their small town and she's never forgotten her ""crush"" on Mark. He takes notice of Rainey, but she's always been off limits as the friend of his younger brother--and he's too busy for a relationship.

When Mark comes home to right some wrongs and help improve his hometown, he can't help but make a move on Rainey. They definitely have chemistry, but is that all that either of them can hope for?

Even though this story is pretty predictable, it was still an enjoyable book. There was a soft-side with the underpriviledged kids that needed help at the community center and Mark's dad who just wants him to return to Santa Rey and settle down. This was balanced by the hot times Mark and Rainey had together. Even reading this at an ice rink couldn't keep you cool! And yes, I too now have a crush on Mark Diego. **sigh**

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  • 21 August, 2012: Reviewed