Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars review
I asked the publisher to send me this book because they had offered to send me Stupid Boy, which I read first and I didn't really like it but I read more positive things about this one so I really wanted to give it a try.

I found myself enjoying Stupid Girl a lot. While it is very cliché, I quite enjoyed it. It reminded me of when I first started reading NA books.

Olivia wants to start fresh at college, a place where no one knows her or what had happened to her. She meets Brax, a total man-whore, the day she arrives at college when he knocks her to the ground. Brax was immediately interested in Olivia and soon came to realize that this girl is very different from the girl's he is used to. Brax goes through girls like bookworms read books. He finds Olivia to be a challenge and chooses her for a dare, but Olivia doesn't know. Even then, Olivia is warned by her roommate Tessa to stay away from Brax. If only Olivia knew about the dare that has been brewing. Unfortunately, her world is about to start crumbling down when someone from her past arrives as a student at the college she is attending, someone that had ruined her life.

I had a few issues with Brax. I loved that he was tough and a bad boy but I really hated every single time he would punch someone just because they were staring at Olivia or if he was just pissed. I was really mad because he just sounded like a high school kid looking for a fight. I was so not okay with that. But Brax was still a major charmer. I really liked him a lot, despite my issues with him. He also has an accent and I love accents. His accent is from Boston and I found myself quite liking it.

I found Olivia to be a normal college girl, which I liked. She was tough when she needed to be and I liked that about her. I wish she would have put up more of a fight in agreeing to go out with Brax the first time, but that's okay. It was actually fun to read. I loved how bubbly and fun Tessa was. I really enjoyed her character and really want a book set on her life.

This is actually one of those stories that at times, comes close to being realistic, which I liked about it. The characters would act their age and not like high school kids (except for Brax in his fits), which has been an issue with NA stories.

What I disliked: This book involves rape and I really disliked how the author pretty much down-played this and just brushed it off. Yes, it was mentioned and the situation of what happened was explained but...that was it and it really frustrated me a lot.

Overall, this was a light and quick read. I enjoyed it.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2015: Reviewed