2012 and Beyond by Diana Cooper

2012 and Beyond

by Diana Cooper

2012 and Beyond, says the publisher, enable[s] you to understand the ancient prophecies for 2012, what is expected to happen in that year and the incredible changes that will take place worldwide in the next 20 years." - Publishers Weekly The year 2012 is expected to be auspicious according to ancient prophecies, particularly from the standpoint of spiritual growth, and this handbook puts these forecasts and the vaunted end of the world into perspective with interpretations from angelic realms. With details on what will happen on a continent-by-continent basis, readers will learn about the effect on the 2012 Olympics, the opening of cosmic portals, how individual lives as well as communities will be altered in the time following this momentous year, and forecasts for the year 2032 - when the new Golden Age of Atlantis is said to come into being. Practical guidance to assist people in preparing for their role in this incredible transformational shift is also included.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Well the score is probably 5* if she's right but somehow it doesn't resonate in good ways with me.

som of the angel names just sound wrong, the historical revisionism that means that ancient times were idylic and all sweetness and light is not something that I can easily work with. While there may have been some people who were more enlightened, there are also arguments that some people were not that nice at all. The modality that all people will connect with the same consciousness and all will resonate the same doesn't ring true either. While posessions may become defunct (you still can't have my yarn stash) if I was to do what my heart wants me to do I would write and craft in crochet and knitting, that needs goods. While some people may be better off as vegetarians, others don't find that an ideal diet, and many people from many cultures ate meat, but had respect for the spirit of the creature that provided them with their meat.

It gets three stars because it made me think about some things and basically wonder where I'm going with my life, if there is big change in how things work I can only hope that it makes me a happier person, however I don't think that the way Diana Cooper presents the future resonates well with my life or the way that I hope to lead a life.

If she's right I'll apologise in 2032, but in many ways I hope she isn't.

p 70 "These special souls agreed to soak up into their energy fields the negativity of lust, greed, power struggle, poverty consciousness and so on held within the earth. And on that day the tsunami bore them all into the light together, carrying the toxins with them." about the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. This thinking makes me a bit twitchy and I think is overly simplistic

Text says: Countries and races will start to understand that differences are only skin deep. They will begin to honour and respect each other's cultures. I honestly don't think the author understands honouring cultures, this book is a mishmash of cultural tropes taken out of context and belief systems with superimposed Abrahamic concepts."

are two comments as I read the book, they still stand, I find that she has a limited world-view and blends too much stuff without respect for it's origin.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 November, 2012: Reviewed