The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. F. Baum

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (A Signet classic)

by L. F. Baum

Relates Santa's life, from childhood to old age and immortality, mentioning such adventures as those with the friendly wood nymphs and the wicked Awgwas.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

In review I see many people are talking about different versions so let me clarify that our copy is a read aloud size hardcover picture book with mystical and imaginative illustrations. This was a bit long for a bedtime story in one sitting but my three year old daughter did pretty well with it. She moved around a bit but came back and snuggled more throughout the end even on the pages that were text only.

My version was a combination of things. On most page spreads one held a full page illustration while the other was white with text. Some spreads were all text while some was a full illustration without words across both pages.

I think this is fabulous and I am thinking I only happened to stumble across it at our local used bookstore. It was probably a combination of the creative illustrations and the authorship of Wizard of Oz fame L. Frank Baum the made me buy it and I am extremy Gladi did. It was an unexpected treasure.

The story is in parts, starting with the immortal woodland creatures who then discover a human child, on to hus childhood, then youth, then adulthood as he discovers the rest of the human world and a passion for bringing happiness to all children. Baum tells an entirely different version of Santa Claus than I have ever known but its a good one full of fantasy and lore. He weaves in explanations for traditions such as the reindeer, filled stockings, and the Christmas tree. It is all very neat and enchanting. Interestingly there is no mention of naughty or nice as it seems he goes just as far as he can in his deliveries before either dawn or the toys are all given.

All in all very glad to have this one.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 December, 2012: Reviewed