Damien by Jacquelyn Frank

Damien (Nightwalkers, #4)

by Jacquelyn Frank

They are the Nightwalkers, mysterious beings who dwell in the shadows of our world, and Damien, the Vampire Prince, is among the most powerful of them all. But one woman will tempt him with a desire unlike anything he has known, and together they will face a terrifying relentless foe . . .

As reigning Vampire Prince, Damien has tasted every pleasure the world has to offer - consorting with kings and queens and delighting in sensual adventure. Now, tired of such pursuits, he devotes his energies to protecting his people. The war between human necromancers and Nightwalkers has escalated, and when the enemy makes a daring move, kidnapping Syreena, a Lycanthrope Princess, Damien boldly follows. He succeeds in rescuing her, but is unprepared for the erotic longing her lush sensuality awakens in him.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

This was a pretty spectacular book, this is the first thing I have ever read from Jacquelyn Frank, and I must sit here and wonder how come it has taken me so long to read her stuff. I've had this series on my TBR for, forever now and just now picked up a book from here. I'm so glad I did because this book was much like alot of what I read but also different with it's plot and character base. I enjoyed it alot and will most definitely be continuing on with this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 31 July, 2013: Reviewed