Reviewed by layawaydragon on
Notes from Listening:
-->Awww yes, straight to the f/f
-->Yes the shaving hate.
-->Oh, I get the feet self-hate.
-->Blue hair!
-->Oh. "Olive juice" = "I love you" didn't know that.
--> Awww dad!
-->Yep, got trailer parks right.
-->Wow, 6'3
-->Hmmm, Saul.
-->Gay, Cajun, & white
-->Ewww religious conversion shit.
-->Awww her family. But fuck her mom.
-->Damn Katrina stories. =(
-->Her sister is a hot mess.
-->Heteronormative BS.
-->Fuck Tyler.
-->"He's even cuter when I'm sober." lol
-->The movie theater awkwardness! lol
-->You go girl! "How many boys did you kiss before deciding you were straight?"
-->I love Ruth
--> "What point does someone's extraordinary become your ordinary?"
-->Oh no. That party...Viv.
-->Lisa Frank pencil bag!!
-->Yep, get that abortion stuff. Good reality check depiction.
-->Ugh her mom.
-->Saul reminds me of the main dude from S-town the podcast.
-->Good point about "that's how black kids get shot"
-->So true about the lunch breaks and pay!
-->Tyler is a jerk. ugh.
-->"Bring the straight one" LOL. Still true in the end too.
-->Oil rig lover boy.
-->Ya, fuck thanksgiving.
-->Awwww Freddy!
-->Omfg the ass woman part, yesssss.
-->Omfg, picking Ruth & Ramona for MASH, Freddy lol
-->Omfg, that's so adorable!!!!
-->Omfg, Tyler on that conspiracy theory shit.
-->Demi rep!!
-->He has two Moms! And one is black!
-->First time Adam's brought girls home and they're both gay! 3
-->Good point about SW whiteness.
-->The random WW in Speedo, lol. "didn't look like a mess out there"
-->Wow that locker room scene. *whew*
-->Ewww Tyler creep. "almost like look at a boy" FU
-->Ah, gender bending Peter Pan references.
-->Oh no, asked about the gender. At least no gender reveal shit, I guess?
-->Yep the biphobia sucks.
-->Karma sucks, huh?
-->Omg the gift! 3
-->Oh Reggie, adorbs 3
-->That intro from Ruth! oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhh
-->Aw Reggie
-->Ahh New Years
-->In text make outs, off scene sex.
-->Okay, the shoe thing is adorbs.
-->Smelly feet! Acne scars! Weird to be excited about, but teens always perfect in novels so yeah, it's important.
-->Yay Agnes.
-->Mardi gras baby shower.
-->Poor naive Freddy. No cops in the trailer park. Go home foundation boy.
-->Homophobic fuckface.
-->Oh the pain.
-->Woot! Go girl!
-->I getchu.
-->Healthcare is fucked here.
-->Hahaha Saul.
-->Racist POS @ the baby shower. Slutshaming assholes
-->haha "pizza rolls not gender roles"
-->Ugh the mom
-->omg grace!
-->Still 2 hours, why do audiobooks feel so long?!?
-->Oh god, Hattie please!
-->Okay this prom I can get behind.
-->"It's not that I'm gay, but that I'm gay in Eulogy, MS." This whole passage is fantastic.
-->Yay Ruthie!!
-->Woooo librarian!
-->Totally cheesy and amazing ending.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- Finished reading
- 1 December, 2016: Reviewed