Lies Jane Austen Told Me by Julie Wright

Lies Jane Austen Told Me (Proper Romance Contemporary)

by Julie Wright

Ever since Emma read Pride and Prejudice, she's been in love with Mr. Darcy and has regarded Jane Austen as the expert on all things romantic. So naturally when Emma falls for Blake Hampton and he invites her home to meet his parents, she is positive an engagement is in her future. But when it turns out that what Blake actually wants is more of a hook-up than a honeymoon, Emma is hurt, betrayed, and furious.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Lie Jane Austen Told Me kind of blew me away. I didn't know what to expect when I started reading, but whatever it was, I got much more!


Lies Jane Austen Told Me is Emma's story. How she kept her rose colored glasses firmly in place looking for her happily ever after. Possibly she looked for this in the wrong places, though, and suddenly, she wanted to distance herself from everything and anything that had to do with her former heroine. Especially after she showed up at her boyfriend's place to surprise him. And found him having dinner with another woman.

One of the themes in Lies Jane Austen Told Me is to find oneself. But it's also about finding love, daring to believe in it, and grabbing hold of it with both hands and everything else we got. After Emma left Blake, she met Lucas, Blake's brother, and that made things very complicated for all of them.

Lies Jane Austen Told Me was a complex contemporary romance that also dealt with other subjects, as Emma was working hard to help the company she worked for succeed. When Lucas showed up as a consultant she didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. On the one hand, she wanted to get to know him better. On the other hand, she was sure she could manage on her own.


Emma appeared a bit flighty at first, she really believed in love with a capital L, but once she thought she was proven wrong, she did a complete 180 turn. At least for a while.

Blake wasn't a player, but he also wasn't the right person for Emma. They were together more because of habit than because they loved each other dearly.

Lucas was great. Not only was he a knight in shining armor, he was smart, funny, and fiercely loyal, too.

Writing Style:

First person point of view from Emma's perspective, past tense.


I felt lightness and love while reading Lies Jane Austen Told Me! There was humor, friendship, loyalty and courage.

Jane never had the happily ever after she made us believe we can have. Experience from my collegiate years taught me that it wa far better to take advice from people who had walked the walk instead of just talked the talk.

We awkwardly stood at our doors, our demeanors suddenly stiff and uncomfortable as we nodded and parted ways to our individual rooms. It was probable that the discomfort existed only on my side, so much of what we did felt like dating.

Then came the self-admonition. You can't be mad at someone for being mad at you. It doesn't make sense. But I was mad at him. Sense be hanged.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2017: Reviewed