Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

Imitation Me is a about a boy named Trent who although doing well at school he hates it. The school is not helping him reach his potential and he draws a lot in class instead of listening to the mundane lessons. There are two classes he does like FCS and Athletics. He enjoys art but his teacher just gives the class printed pictures to colour in.

Christmas is on it's way and people keep hinting about an big reveal and this intrigues Trent but nothing in his wildest dreams prepares him for his present, an imitation of himself.

This was a great book, it is very different from anything I have every read before, the plot line was good although a little slow to start. I liked that there was also a love interest for Trent. The story did seem a little rushed at the end and I found myself wanting more. I hope there will be more books about Trent and his imitation.

The book was well written, fun with great characters that you can relate to.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 March, 2013: Reviewed