Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Caught Up in Us is one of those books that just made me supremely happy and all tingly inside! Kat is in her final year of graduate school and has to complete a mentor-protege program. Of course, she's paired up with her wildly successful and sexy ex-boyfriend. Bryan broke her heart five years ago, but she's not going to let it show that he still affects her. The "no hanky panky" rule does help a bit, since Kat is determined to graduate and see her business be a raging success. But things aren't that simple when Bryan confesses to still having feelings for her, too.

I adored Caught Up in Us! Even though it's a second change romance, there was plenty of build up! Kat starts out being aloof, and Bryan is trying the whole "let's start over" thing, but it doesn't last! There is chemistry and tension! This is probably the only book where I was mentally yelling at the characters to not have sex! Don't kiss her! Don't hold his hand! Don't gaze longingly at each other! You'll get in trouble! I very much admired Kat for putting her education first, but of course, things happen and I was like NOOOO! Being fiction though, it all worked out in the best possible way.

While the romance was tense and amazing (and still sexy, because of reasons), my favorite part of Caught Up in Us was that there was no fight! No stupid fight to tear our young lovers apart! I mean, they had enough against them already since Bryan has a pending lawsuit and Kat has her schooling to worry about. But they talk about these things and make them work! There's no skeletons in the closet or overstepping of boundaries! YES! It can be done, authors! No need to force something to break them up for no reason!

Caught Up in Us made me very happy. It does have its issues, which kept me from totally loving it. But I'd still whole heartedly recommend this if you're looking for a light, fluffy romance!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 2 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2015: Reviewed