Quantum Coin by E C Myers

Quantum Coin

by E.C. Myers

Ephraim thought his universe-hopping days were over, but when his girlfriend's twin sister from a parallel universe crashes their senior prom, the three must work together to save the multiverse.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

My mind is officially boggled and blown. But mostly boggled. Quantum Coin was an awesome sequel and conclusion! Of course there had to be some lingering side effects to Ephraim using that coin so much! I wasn't sure what this one could possibly be about since Fair Coin seemed to wrap up quite nicely, but there's plenty of new and exciting stuff happening to Ephraim and his friends as they try to set the multiverse right. He was hoping to be done with jumping from universe to universe, but then Zoe crashes the prom after some weirdness has been occurring. Once again the fate of the universe (well, all universes technically) is in the hand of a group of teenagers.

Quantum Coin is Science Fiction through and through! There is a ton of scientific explanations throughout. Some of it is based on facts, some of it is theory, and some of it, I suspect, is just made up. While it could seem info-dumpy to many readers, I actually loved all of these lengthy conversations about parallel universes and decoherence. I am a science geek, and while physics isn't my field, I still find it all fascinating! At times it was a bit much at once, and I found myself confused, but even Ephraim who is living it didn't full understand, so I felt much better about that.

This time instead of being on his own or with some Nathan analog, Ephraim is mostly working with Zoe and Jena. This of course results in a really bizarre and awkward love triangle. The romance is definitely not the focus, but it does have a larger presence in Quantum Coin than in the previous book. Jena and Zoe may be genetically identical, but they are very different young woman. I think it's fairly obvious who Ephraim will pick early on, but he's kind of oblivious. Everyone figures it out before he does. Silly boy, but he was busy trying to save billions upon billions upon billions of lives.

I loved this duology! I'm sad it's over, but Quantum Coin was an almost perfect ending for these characters. I do still have questions about what happened to a few of the secondary characters though. It has also left me slightly paranoid. You know how sometimes you'll walk into a room and forget what you were doing? What if that's because you've just shifted into a parallel universe and switched places with one of your analogs...

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2013: Reviewed