Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Give Me Love by Corinne Michaels is the second book in the Rose Canyon series. In this installment Michaels upped the ante by gifting her readers with another fantastic tale filled with suspense, sexy banter and suspense. 


Blakely and Emmett had entered into a marriage of convenience during their time in the army. Then the unthinkable happened they fell in love with each other. Blakey, however, scared of losing another person she loved she left all she held dear behind her. Fast forward two years later, Blakely is a private investigator working on a missing teen case. During the course of her investigation she uncovers information indicating possible danger to Emmett, the current sheriff of Rose Canyon.  So she turned up in Rose Canyon determined to not only protect the man she loves but to convince him that their marriage was worth saving. 

Give Me Love picks up immediately after the events of Remember Me. Now although each story features a different couple, it's best to read the series in order as there is an overarching suspense plot.

I like when stories feature strong and resourceful heroines and Blakely epitomized these traits. She's also independent and feisty. No wonder Emmett couldn't help but  love her, even after she broke his heart two years ago. He never stopped loving her. However, he was not willing to risk his heart again. He needs her to recognize and accept that their love is worth fighting for. Also, she needs to embrace her fears and not let it control her.  The thing which made their relationship special was the bond of friendship they shared long before they tied the knot. This bond was evident in their banter and the way they interacted with each other. 

Now while Emmett and Blakely were slowly working their way back together and while trying find answers regarding the missing teen, they landed in the middle of human trafficking case. A case  connected to the events from book one, and which ultimately placed them in danger. Emmett made a decision, which had a  devastating impact, thankfully it all worked out in the end.

The story is narrated in the first person by both Emmett and Blakely. Readers gets a glimpse into the characters time in the military prior their marriage and after. Readers are also privy to their innermost thoughts. Now while the romance aspect of the story came to an end, there remains several questions regarding the mystery plot. Some of the players got what they deserved, but the identity of the key player still remains a mystery.

Give Me Love is a great addition to the series. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Fans of small town romance with a suspense plot will want to add Give Me Love to their reading list. 

This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 22 September, 2022: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2022: Reviewed