Reviewed by Rowena on

3 of 5 stars

This book follows Noah and Grace as Noah tries to grovel his way back into Grace’s life and Grace tries to hold on to her sanity long enough to make sure that Noah never breaks her heart again. I was all prepared to love the heck out of this story because I love military guys and I’m on a New Adult kick. But both Noah and Grace trampled all over my nerves in this book. The back and forth, the not being upfront with each other, the angst, all of it was a bit much for me to take. I did end up liking the book because you can see the growth of both characters over the course of the book, but for some reason, I still didn’t completely love both Noah and Grace at the end. I liked them fine but they weren’t my favorite characters.

I am mighty curious about Bo though. I’m really looking forward to reading his book. I liked the author’s writing style so I’m going to give her next book a go. If you like military heroes and UFC guys then you’ll probably fall in love with Noah so you should give this a go.

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  • 21 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2013: Reviewed