Come Back to Me by Mila Gray

Come Back to Me

by Mila Gray

Home on leave in sunny California, Marine and local lothario Kit Ryan finds himself dangerously drawn to his best friend's sister, Jessa - the one girl he can't have. But Kit's not about to let a few obstacles stand in his way and soon Jessa's falling for his irresistible charms. What starts out as a summer romance of secret hook-ups and magical first times quickly develops into a passionate love affair that turns both their worlds upside down. When summer's over and it's time for Kit to redeploy, neither Kit nor Jessa are ready to say goodbye. Jessa's finally following her dreams and Kit's discovered there's someone he'd sacrifice everything for. Jessa's prepared to wait for Kit no matter what. But when something more than distance and time rips them apart they're forced to decide whether what they have is really worth fighting for. A breathtaking, scorchingly hot story about love, friendship, family and finding your way back from the edge of heartbreak.

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights ReviewsJessa and Kit have grown up together but Jessa has never expressed her feelings. She's sure Kit only sees her as his best friend's little sister. That is until Jessa turns 16 that Kit starts developing a crush. Neither have spoken about their attraction towards one another especially when Jessa and Riley's father holds a grudge against Kit's father which also leads to hating Kit. One summer, Jessa and Kit go from friends to lovers but they only have weeks before Kit and Riley leave on a military tour. Who will return, Kit or Riley?

"Come back to me. Promise you'll come back to me." She whispers.


This story was sweet and would pull at your heartstrings. The beginning starts with a prologue that leaves you in a bit of a suspense, wanting to know what will happen but of course the reader finds out near the end and ultimately leading up to a wonderful conclusion to the story.

Sadly I didn't feel any connection towards the characters. I had no emotion towards them until almost the end when something happens that really makes me feel for some of the characters but that's pretty much it. There was some kind of insta-love in the story depending on how you see it. For me, it was kind of fast but it didn't bother me THAT much. But the romance was definitely there and the reader could actually believe this romance and the insta-love aspect of it. The relationships with the family were portrayed very well. We have the military father who has been affected by war and holds a secret that's been killing him inside so he feels the need to yell all the time which leads to his family to walk on eggshells when they are around him. We have the understanding mother who tries to keep everyone happy. We have Jessa who knows what she wants to do with her life but is scared to go after it because of her father. We have Riley who is fun and caring and sweet. We have Jessa's best friend who's having her own book coming out next year! I cannot wait for her story. We have Kit who is very swoon-worthy and loyal to his best friend, girlfriend and his dad. And finally, we have Kit's father who is honestly the most sweetest man in the world.

All of these characters make for a very interesting and impacting story. This story is about a forbidden romance of two friends who become lovers but is more than that. It also focuses on trying to experience life as much as you can with your loved ones and to appreciate those people who surround you. The author did a great job in portraying all of these characters, their individual lives and a subject that many people talk about but not many pay much attention to and choose to ignore. I really recommend this to everyone above the age of 18 because it really has a beautiful meaning.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews

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  • 4 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 December, 2015: Reviewed