I Am Not Jackson Pollock by John Haskell

I Am Not Jackson Pollock

by John Haskell

This bewitching collection of short fiction navigates art, movies, literature and life, often exploring real-life figures in fictional form.

In 'Dream of a Clean Slate' Jackson Pollock struggles with the separation he feels from Jackson Pollock the artist; 'The Judgement of Psycho' uncovers the sexual dynamic of Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins in Psycho, and then delves into the relationship between Hector and Paris in the Iliad; and Orson Welles presides over 'Crimes of Midnight', a tense evocation of desire and its consequences. The Hottentot Venus, Joan of Arc, Glenn Gould, a circus elephant executed for killing a man - all become strands in Haskell's ingeniously woven tales.

Intellectually searching but gilded with a light touch and outstanding imaginative reach, Haskell's collection is a charming, innovative and moving series of myths for modern times.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

3 of 5 stars

Hmm, let’s see, a myth-like essay on Janet Leigh and “Tony” Perkins, connecting in the same breath to Achilles, Athena, and Helen of Troy? (The sole reason I snatched up this book, but far from the sole reason I liked it.) Oh yes, please.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2009: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2009: Reviewed