Dare Mighty Things by Heather Kaczynski

Dare Mighty Things (Dare Mighty Things, #1)

by Heather Kaczynski

The Selection meets The 5th Wave in this heart-racing debut duology about a girl competing for a spot on a mysterious mission to the outer reaches of space.

THE RULES ARE SIMPLE: You must be gifted. You must be younger than twenty-five. You must be willing to accept the dangers that you will face if you win.

Eighteen-year-old Cassandra Gupta’s entire life has been leading up to this—the opportunity to travel to space. But to secure a spot on this classified mission, she must first compete against the best and brightest people on the planet. People who are as...

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Reviewed by Nessa Luna on

3 of 5 stars

3,5 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2019: Reviewed