From Notting Hill With Love . . . Actually by Ali McNamara

From Notting Hill With Love . . . Actually (The Notting Hill)

by Ali McNamara

'Sparky, fun and endearing' - Katie Fforde

'Joyous and carefree, a souffle of a book that will lift the spirits of anybody who ever daydreamed about a different, more glam life' - Bernadette Strachan


She was just a girl, standing in front of a boy . . . wishing he looked more like Hugh Grant.

Scarlett loves the movies. But does she love sensible fiancé David just as much? With a big white wedding on the horizon, Scarlett really should have decided by now . . .

When she has the chance to house-sit in Notting Hill - the setting of one of her favourite movies - Scarlett jumps at the chance. But living life like a movie is trickier than it seems, especially when her new neighbour Sean is so irritating. And so irritatingly handsome, too.

Scarlett soon finds herself starring in a romantic comedy of her very own: but who will end up as the leading man?

A fabulously fun romantic comedy debut, referencing all those much-loved chick flick classics: Four Weddings; Sleepless in Seattle; When Harry Met Sally, to name just a few!

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

"Everyone who’s seen a romantic comedy at least once in their life knows the story. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Something happens that separates the two of them. This is followed by a swoon-worthy, grand romantic gesture that sweeps the girl off her feet. We’ve seen them, and we love them. Some of us even wish for one of those grand romantic gestures at least once in our lifetime. I know I do! And so does Scarlett O’Brien.

The spitting image of Vivien Leigh, Scarlett is madly in love with the movies. She spends every day comparing events in her life to romantic comedies. She wants to live one so badly, that she tries to re-create scenes from various movies with the people around her. Usually, her attempts are humorous, yet endearing. She’s fun, imaginative, and incredibly loveable.

Scarlett is engaged to David, a good looking young man who is part owner of a chain of cinemas. David is wealthy, but incredibly simple and tight with his money. He is a tad boring, a bit obsessed with DIY projects, and tends to be stuffy. He discourages Scarlett’s love of the movies, and her imagination.

When Scarlett takes a trip to Notting Hill, to prove to her loved ones that she CAN live life like a movie, she meets Sean. Sean is a Brad Pitt look-a-like with a fun, down to earth personality that makes Scarlett laugh. He’s mysterious, wealthy, and helps Scarlett open up to a world she didn’t know existed.

From Notting Hill With Love… Actually was wonderful. Reading just like a romantic comedy, I couldn’t put it down. I laughed several times, and the chemistry between the three main characters is so true to life. The supporting characters add depth to the story, and help Scarlett find the answers she’s looking for. With a touching sub-plot, plenty of fun movie references, and a romance that’s truly screen worthy, this is a book that I’d read more than once and recommend time and time again.

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  • 6 October, 2012: Reviewed