Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

"Terror was seeing someone lying face up their graze unfocused and blank. Terror was knowing danger surrounded you, but there was nothing you could do to stop it."

Briana is a young girl who doesn't really fit in at her school, she just flies under the radar for the most part, until she decides to go out for Ophelia in Hamlet which she hopes will make her become popular and make her mother happy.
Briana goes to a private school that is directed towards arts, and its the same one her mother went to when she was her age. Making Briana feel like she has to keep her mother at arm's length in order to be able to make a name for herself at this school. When she goes back early from winter break in order to try out for Hamlet everything starts going wrong and right all at the same time. The boy she's had a crush on since the beginning of the year starts to notice her, and her roommate and her actually start having a friendship. Briana gets to be somewhat popular for a few weeks and then everything starts going downhill when the new teacher in the drama department makes changes and brings the local town kids in to try out for Hamlet as well. Making everyone at the school upset and the rivalry between schools come out for a little bit.
After auditions and disappointment Briana starts being the social media person for the play. Except most of her tweets go unnoticed due to Hamlets Ghost tweeting better/creepy stuff. Briana sets out on a mission trying to find out who it is and then later on trying to find out who the killer is all while everyone thinks that she is the killer.

I don't know much about the theater or anything like that, so maybe that's why I didn't like it as much as I was hoping to. I just didn't find it very scary or anything like that.

Did anyone else think that that romance at the end came out of nowhere? I mean one minute she thinks hes the killer the next he's kissing her and she tells us they've been dating. Why was that needed?

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  • Started reading
  • 3 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 3 April, 2016: Reviewed