The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker

The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic (The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic, #1)

by Emily Croy Barker

Nora Fischer's dissertation is stalled and her boyfriend is about to marry another woman. During a miserable weekend at a friend's wedding, Nora wanders off, walks through a portal, and is transformed from a drab grad student into a stunning beauty. Before long, she has a set of glamorous friends and a romance heating up with gorgeous, masterful Raclin. Then the elegant veneer shatters. Nora's new world turns darker, a fairy tale gone incredibly wrong. Making it here will take skills Nora never learned in graduate school.

Reviewed by violetpeanut on

1 of 5 stars

This was a DNF for me.

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  • 30 July, 2014: Reviewed