The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld

The Rabbit Listened

by Cori Doerrfeld

With its spare, poignant text and irresistibly sweet illustrations, The Rabbit Listened is a tender meditation on loss. When something terrible happens, Taylor doesn't know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn't feel like chatting. The bear thinks Taylor should get angry, but that's not quite right either. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to process this loss, and one by one they fail. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen, which is just what Taylor needs. Whether read in the wake of tragedy or as a primer for comforting others, this is a deeply moving and unforgettable story sure to soothe heartache of all sizes.

Reviewed by lisacee on

5 of 5 stars

A feelings book for the more quiet/less impulsive crowd.

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  • 30 March, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 30 March, 2018: Reviewed