Lying About Last Summer by Sue Wallman

Lying About Last Summer

by Sue Wallman


A nail-biting teen thriller that will have you gripped
from start to finish.

Skye’s sister died last year in a tragic accident, so this
summer Skye’s parents think that a camp for troubled teenagers
might help her process her grief. All of the kids at the
summer camp have lost someone close, but the last thing Sky wants
to do is think about the past.

But when Skye starts receiving text messages from someone pretending
to be her dead sister, she knows the past can’t be avoided.
Someone at the camp is making sure of it – but who,
and how far will they go?

Winner of Zoella Book Club 2016, and Winner of Worcestershire
Teen Book Award 2017

We Were Liars meets Thirteen Reasons Why

Sue Wallman is one of the UK’s leading writers of teen thrillers

The cast of characters will keep you guessing who the villain
is, and the claustrophobic summer camp setting is the perfect backdrop
for the thrilling mystery

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Lying About Last Summer is one of those books that sucks you in, and doesn't let you go until you've finished it. I've had it on loan from the library for a while, but never felt like reading it until now. Yes, I am a mood reader, and sometimes I just do not fancy a book, but I finally wanted to read this one, and I did, and it was pretty awesome. It wasn't as twisty as I was expecting, as I had guessed a few of the things that came out towards the end, but it was still a stellar, enjoyable read.

Skye is a bit of a prickly character, I liked her right away, but the way she acts when she first comes to camp, and the judgements she makes of Fay, Brandon, Danielle did annoy me a little bit, especially since Fay seemed quite sweet and sensitive, and almost like you wanted to protect her from the big, bad world, but after what Faye goes through, losing her sister, you can kind of understand it, why would you want to get close to people when you see what happens to your blood, for crying out loud?

To see what really happened to Luisa was chilling, it seemed kind of too extreme for the book, which is a crazy thing to say, but when you think of Skye's life, and they're idyllic little house, it's hard to see it all going wrong, not helped by the fact Skye starts receiving text messages from Luisa, or so it seems? It added a bit of extra chill factor to the book, and that's the only bit of the story I didn't guess - who was behind those messages. I had Joe pegged as the bad guy, he riled me up something chronic, and there was just something about him that I didn't trust or believe, you know when you just get a feeling about someone? I felt that way about Joe. He was creepy with a capital C.

I really enjoyed Lying About Last Summer, I was gripped the whole way through and I read the book in one sitting, barely stopping except to eat and drink, Sue Wallman has written a pretty fantastic read, and I can't wait to see what she writes next! I'll be reading it for sure, because this was fantastic.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2016: Reviewed