Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Still good for a laugh...

I needed an easy listen and this one was perfect for a good laugh. It kind of cracks me up that I can literally quote the first paragraph of my review below AGAIN. I picked Dr. OB to take me from stabby to *leave me alone to laugh the bad away...*

Glad that Max Monroe still has that power.


Geez, I needed that…

I started the audio of Dr. OB at the right time on a perfect day in the best possible week. This week has been a bloody SHOCKER!! Everything has gone wrong. Things practically exploded in my face, my boys' schedule was sending me to an early grave and PEOPLE were annoying me. I wish PEOPLE would stop annoying me. Anyways, at my breaking point, with a croak in my throat from holding back the tears, I started my adventure with Dr. Obscene.

The tears came, alright, but they were tears of mirth. I needed this obscene, crass and hilarious story.

It was the weirdest thing, with every bad thing that happened this week, for a little while, I was able to escape into the romantic world of obstetrics. I hear you scoff. Obstetrics??? Romantic??? Well, maybe not romantic but definitely sexy. Oh boy, does that sound bad? Ok, yes, I know that sounds bad and it is kind of bad, but it was also really good. It was all about what Dr OB could bring to the stirrups (wink, wink). Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, this story left my mind in the gutter.

Look, I can see you’re all squirming in your seats thinking about an Obstetrician in a sexy way. I guess, in some way, I can separate it from my reality. See, my Obstetrician/Gynaecologist wears a bow tie and there is NO WAY I would ever, Ever, EVER be thinking of this story when I go for my next ob/gyn visit. Poor male ob/gyn doctors, they need their own HEA too. They can’t help that they look at vaginas all day. We need to be more sympathetic. At least they “get” things better than the average joe and are a wee bit more sympathetic to what a girl suffers (hand to my forehead, woe is me).

I think the narrators do a fabulous job in this one. Yes, I still have a wee problem with blokes trying to do a female character, but, I could look past it because he does one hell of a sexy male character. Both narrators were easy to listen to and I had no problems understanding them or being able to tell when the characters changed. Top marks to the narrators.

I wouldn’t say this was an easy storyline to love. Unfortunately, our dear Dr Will has been around the hospital a time or two (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). He’s paying for his past indiscretions by having his reputation and dedication questioned. When he finally finds a woman who he wants to have a serious relationship with, she’s seeing him in a very obscene way in the worst possible light.

If you don’t take it too seriously and are the kind of person who believes a leopard can change his spots, Dr OB on audio might be perfect for you.

Warning: Listening to the audio of Dr. OB in public may cause extreme embarrassment. You may suffer uncontrollable snorts of laughter, body-shaking spasms of glee and face contortions from trying to hold back smirks and smiles. It is advised that a private, sound-proofed room is found to enjoy the full benefits of this audio.

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  • 26 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2017: Reviewed
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  • 26 October, 2017: Reviewed