Crash Into Me by K M Scott

Crash Into Me (Heart of Stone, #1)

by K M Scott

The first in the Heart of Stone series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author K.M. Scott

What would you give up for everything?

Tristan Stone was powerful, commanding, sex incarnate. And he wore it all so well. From the moment his mesmerizing gaze met mine, I had no choice but surrender to everything he was. His power. His decadence. His passion. He was all I never knew I needed.

He wanted to possess me, and I wanted to be his everything. All I had to do was accept what he offered. But everything has a price.

The world he gave me fulfilled my wildest dreams, but would that be enough when the past crashed into the present?

Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

4 of 5 stars

Nina Edwards is twenty four years old and just graduated with a degree in art history. She's working at an art gallery where she's basically the personal slave for the owner. Nina is doing what she needs to because her ultimate goal is to eventually be a curator. One night while she is playing server at an art show being hosted by the gallery she works at, she meets Tristan Stone. Actually she sets eyes on him and is immediately hypnotized by Tristan in all his hotness. The rest of the night she can't get him out of her mind and by the time she closes up the gallery she's still thinking of him. Tristan is waiting for her and asks her to take a ride with him somewhere. He's all mysterious and doesn't tell her more. Nina of course freaks and questions whether or not to go...but in the end she gets in and their story begins....

Where to start. The first part of this book took awhile for me to get into. Mainly because the story is from Nina's point of view and her thoughts was all over the place concerning Tristan. I felt like I was at a tennis match watching the ball being hit back and forth. I liked Nina's character and I get where all her inner turmoil was coming from but it was still a dizzying experience being in her head. I wanted to sit her down sometimes and say look girlfriend stop jumping to conclusions all the time. LOL. One of the things I adored about Nina was her openness and ability to speak her mind. She called Tristan out on his shit and didn't let him get away with things. Also what she felt she put it out there for him to know. She's an open book and definitely made herself vulnerable to Tristan even when she had her reservations.

As for Tristan...oh boy! The man is all sort of mysterious and sexy. He definitely had my attention. He's the definition of the broody silent hero. Boy could he stay silent. He keeps things close and doesn't share much about his personal life. Every scene he was in he had me on pins and needles waiting for him to speak because when he did speak he said things that made me melt right along with Nina. His character is harboring some very dark secrets that have to do with Nina. Because of this he's pretty distant at times. His demeanor was either hot or cold. I can't wait to find out more about him in the next book. I don't think we've even hit the tip of what makes Tristan tick.

When these two are together you can feel the simmering sexual tension between them. My gosh when they do get together, look out, you might get burned standing too close. The dressing room scene and the rain scene by the column holy hotness. When it came to the physical stuff these two had no problem communicating.

I also enjoyed scenes with Nina's best friend Jordan. Jordan is the kind of girlfriend you want at your back. She was the rational voice that calmed Nina when things were going crazy in her head. Parts of this book was slow for me especially the beginning. At times some of the strong feelings Nina or Tristan express for one another didn't gel for me the first half. I didn't feel it but once things settled down the story moved along and I was absorbed in their story. I was scared to turn the page because I knew something bad was going to happen with all the secrets Tristan kept. When I got to the end I was screaming WTH. No way and shaking my head. Oh K.M. you evil woman nicely played! I loved being in Tristan's head at the end and hearing his thoughts. I can't wait for the second book to see where the heck these two are going and how K.M. will get them over this new hurdle.

Overall this was an enjoyable read. I'm hooked on these two and I definitely want to know more about them. This is a sexy read with a hot, silent, broody billionaire and a trusting adorable heroine. I was swept away to romantic places and plummet into some crazy drama but I did enjoy it all. And yes there is a one big ass cliffhanger!

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  • 1 September, 2013: Reviewed