Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of The Lollipop Kids Vol. 1 through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

The Lollipop Kids Vol. 1: Things That Go Bump in the Night is a fun take on kids being the guardians against the monsters. Because naturally, kids are the best at spotting them. In this case, only kids of a certain lineage seem to be able to see and thus stop the monsters. But it is still a fun concept.
This graphic novel is great if you go into it expecting nothing more than a fun read. It’s lighthearted, on the whole, though it does have an undertone of a serious message as well (the importance of doing what’s right, friendship, and family).

The Lollipop Kids Vol. 1: Things That Go Bump in the Night was very fun and dare I say, cute? Okay, maybe that word doesn’t apply perfectly here, but I’m sure you get my meaning. Here we have a group of children fighting monsters and the like.
Naturally, this series is a lot less graphic than it could be. Though it does hint heavily at the fact that kids have lost their lives in action, this was never shown (thankfully). Because it wasn’t as intense as the fighting monsters trope could have allowed for, it’s perfect for kids and adults alike.
The Lollipop Kids valiantly guard against all monsters and evil – rightup until they turn eighteen years old. It’s the result of a curse, of a curse, but it also gives an excuse for why there are no adults helping with the problem.
I’m a bit conflicted about the lore for the lollipop kids, truth be told. On the one hand, I think it’s fun and clever. On the other hand, I think that having it be a lineage thing (but focused only on children) might have been a little much. I almost think I would have liked it better had it been that kids with the right temperament or skillsets were targeted. But that’s my personal preference.
They were very clever in the way they introduced the plot to the readers. They used a kid with the potential to be a lollipop kid as the main perspective. Thus when he became initiated, we got to learn alongside him. Simple yet effective.
I love that they added some family drama and dynamics to this tale. Sure, it may have been slightly heavy-handed at times, but on the whole, I actually do think it enhanced the complexity of the plot being told. Plus, it gave us more of a reason to become emotionally invested.
On the whole, this graphic novel was a blast to read, as well as being relatively quick to get through (unsurprisingly). I don’t know if a second volume is planned for the series or not. It felt like it could go either way, towards the end. I suppose only time (and sales numbers) will tell.

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  • 11 August, 2019: Reviewed