It's Always Been You by Jessica Scott

It's Always Been You (Coming Home)

by Jessica Scott

Captain Ben Teague wants neither the responsibility of command or the commitment. But his request for release from active duty is denied, leaving him with little choice. Frustrated and angry, Ben sets about trying to get fired, wanting nothing to do with leading soldiers in a war he deems futile. But when the most beautiful and annoying woman enters his battalion, he starts to remember what he's fighting for...

Major Olivia Hale is shocked by her reception in the battalion. As the person who is meant to formulate legal opinions that keep commanders out of trouble, she's greeted not as part of the team but as an obstruction. Yet Olivia sees more in Ben than he sees in himself and as the legal challenges in his new command grow, so too does the lust for one another. When a night of passion turns into something more, Ben and Olivia must find a way to hold on to their new found love in the midst of a stormy war.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Book Hangover. Huge book hangover. I think it has to do with the fact that I don't have a Jessica Scott novel to look forward to, to read in the next couple of months. After I finished this one, I spent the evening going through the other books, reminiscing, if you will. I adore this series. I'm like a freaking broken record, I know, but I'm going to keep saying it as long as it applies. Ms. Scott combines the reality of military life and tempers it with incredible passion. She takes serious and current issues within the military and gives us a peek into that world and I want more. I want Gale Sorren's yesterday. :)

Copy for review provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2014: Reviewed