Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights ReviewsAnnie Carson is back at the town she fled from a few years ago to sell her family's farm. She definitely doesn't plan on staying—nothing is set in stone, especially when she faces Sawyer once again. They unfinished business to tend to but Annie is not sure she wants to trust again when she was left heart-broken in the first place.

I have a thing for second-chance romances. I love when they are done so right and beautiful, with all of the feelings the characters had from the beginning. To be honest, I wasn't going to read this one. I'm a person that the cover has to catch my eye. I know, this really sucks and I'm being judgmental. One of my blogger friends, Becca from Lost In Literature wrote such an outstanding review that made go immediately to Amazon and 1-click the book!!

Annie is a divorced, mommy-blogger who went through quite a lot in life but she's still strong with her son Atticus by her side. They both arrive at Brightwater, not receiving the best welcome party but Annie is driven and she will do the task she set out to do. She knew she was bound to encounter Sawyer and she was prepared to not bat an eyelash at him but feelings are still so present for one another. It was great to see Annie believe in herself as the story progressed and become confident. That made her even more of an inspiration to me.

Sawyer Kane let Annie go once and he doesn't plan on committing the same mistake again. I really enjoyed Sawyer's character seeing as he is a hard-working man who definitely knows how to cook and build. What woman will say no to a man like him?! On all seriousness though, he is an amazing character who has everyone's best interest at heart and he cares a lot about everyone, especially Annie and Atticus. Reading about his growing relationship with Atticus was so darn sweet. It got to a point where Atticus looked up to Sawyer as a man and as his potential father. It warmed my heart reading about their interactions as a family.

The romance was slow to build, it took it's time, going from friends to slowly becoming something more. What I loved was that even though they obviously had feelings for each other back in the day, they were still adults about the situation and took things slow to learn from each other again, to get to know each other and trust each other.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 23 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 October, 2015: Reviewed