Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

This book has the essence of Pretty Little Liars and trying to figure out who “A” was in that because in that show everyone is a suspect. Well, the same could be said here! I spent 90% of this book screaming with my need to have answers and all the while Ms Patis just kept dangling a carrot in front of me like you would a donkey, if I was said donkey I would be bloody skinny because I would never catch the carrot!!

We venture through this book with a mixture of then and now chapters, always shown through Lauren’s eyes. Her life with Hannah when they were younger and their friends, Natalie, Sophie, Nicole and Yasmin. Then Lauren’s life as an adult without Hannah. We meet Lauren when it is the 10th anniversary of Hannah’s death, as she travels home to Hitchin when the crazy happens.

I surprised myself here, near the end of the book knowing this was a psychological thriller, it made me get something in my eyes. The secrets when they were uncovered were heartbreaking and the group of girls left behind had to learn to understand and deal with it.

I was speeding my way through this book quickly, I had to know what was going on. It was like being on a speeding train, next stop crazy town, screaming with excitement and frustration because you just did not know what revelation, if any, was about to be dropped! Initially, I thought that Hannah and Lauren’s friendship was toxic, they may call each other sissy but Hannah was so overbearing and controlling of Lauren. However, I think I may be slightly wavering on my thinking.

This is so much more of a character-driven thriller, in the respect that yes someone is sending the messages to all the girls and yes you are dying to know who is sending them, but the story focuses on the secrets they have all kept. The guilt they feel and the hopelessness of what it was like as a teenager without the ability to control the world around them.

The tension is built from the start, the slight nudges in one direction from the author as she is trying to distract you from discovering the truth until she is ready. It was an enthralling read and it keeps the intrigue up throughout the book until the final reveal at the end. Carrot and the donkey remember!

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  • Started reading
  • 27 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2018: Reviewed