Benjamin Bear Says Sorry by Claire Freedman

Benjamin Bear Says Sorry (Benjamin Bear)

by Claire Freedman

Benjiman Bear loves to have fun, but in his excitement he doesn't realise that he upsets his friends. Children will enjoy following the story of bouncing Benji.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

First Benjamin Bear learned the importance of saying please in [b:Benjamin Bear Says Please|7938982|Benjamin Bear Says Please|Claire Freedman||11353746] then he also learned about saying Thank You in [b:Benjamin Bear Says Thank You|7528196|Benjamin Bear Says Thank You|Claire Freedman||9765508] and now Benjamin has learned the importance of saying "sorry". So many times it seems that we mean well and forget the importance of such a little word and what it means. Even though after Benjamin upset his friends, he attempted to leave them alone and have fun elsewhere, what they really wanted was a simple apology. It seems sometimes we have to learn from experience, when Benjamin realized that he would like an apology from someone that upset him, an educational retrospective shows how important words can be.

So many lessons to learn on manners and it seems that Benjamin Bear books are a great place to start.

*Thanks to Leslie Paladino for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 5 August, 2010: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2010: Reviewed