Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Love Songs for the Road is not my usual type of read, but I was in the mood to try something new. I was very pleasantly surprised! Ryan just got out of a relationship, is getting ready to start graduate school, and is looking for a summer job. Lucky for her, rock star Marcus Troy is looking for a full-time nanny for his upcoming tour. After a rough start, Ryan joins Marcus and his two kids on a tour across America. Life soon gets a lot more crazy for this small town girl, but it's worth it since she also finds love.

The romance in Love Songs for the Road is super sweet! It's not the steamy love affair that I'm use to, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. From the beginning Ryan and Marcus notice that the other is attractive, but they're determined to keep it strictly professional. However, being a major celebrity means that the rumor mill starts churning as soon as reporters see Ryan. As the weeks go by, the two get to know each other, Ryan adores the kids, Marcus loves that she's good with his kids, and things go from there. I loved the rock star angle and how the paparazzi makes things more complicated than they need to be. There's also a jealous opening act and a crazy ex-wife in the mix!

There were only two things that bothered me about Love Songs for the Road. The first was that there are two very different explanations for why Ryan's previous relationship ended. I'm not sure if this is because I read an ARC, or if it was overlooked. In case it was the former I didn't rate down for it, but it really stood out. The second thing, though, made me drop my rating, since it's something that annoys me in a lot of romances. The inevitable fight was incredibly stupid. Ryan has some legit concerns about an article written about her and Marcus essentially belittles her issue with it. Then he pulls stuff out of thin air to yell at her, which he, her, and we all know is false. It was just unnecessary and felt forced.

In the end, I did really like Love Songs for the Road. It was very cute, sweet, and fun. It was kind of nice to read a story about two down to earth people without all of the sex.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2014: Reviewed