Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

Walk Through Fire (Chaos, #4)

by Kristen Ashley

The flame never dies . . .

Millie Cross knows what it's like to burn for someone. She was young and wild and he was fierce and even wilder-a Chaos biker who made her heart pound. They fell in love at first sight and life was good, until she learned she couldn't be the woman he needed and made it so he had no choice but to walk away. Twenty years later, Millie's chance run-in with her old flame sparks a desire she just can't ignore. And this time, she won't let him ride off . . .

Bad boy Logan "High" Judd has seen his share of troubles with the law. Yet it was a beautiful woman who broke him. After ending a loveless marriage, High is shocked when his true love walks back into his life. Millie is still gorgeous, but she's just a ghost of her former self. High's intrigued at the change, but her betrayal cut him deep-and he doesn't want to get burned again. As High sinks into meting out vengeance for Millie's betrayal, he'll break all over again when he realizes just how Millie walked through fire for her man . . .

Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

5 of 5 stars


My Thoughts:
I absolutely adore Kristen Ashley’s writing! Since discovering her books in 2012, I have continued to enjoy and devour her brand of writing style. Her heroes are bossy, straight shooters and just plain ole’ dang sexy! I haven’t met a KA hero that hasn’t stolen my heart and Logan “High” Judd fit the bill.

Walk Through Fire is the story of High and his first love Millie Cross. Millie and High, met and fell in love twenty-three years ago. Three years into their young relationship Millie forces High to walk away with lies! Lies that broke both of their hearts and causes Millie to pretty much stop living fully and for High to live dangerously on the edge without any cares for his well being. Twenty years have pass before Millie and High’s path cross again, in a Chipotle (Side note…shout out to this place! Freaking addictive burritos). Millie, finds herself still completely captivated by High and the pain of losing him bombards her in that moment! This moment right off the bat sucked me in! I felt Millie’s longing and pain in those first few pages. The readers know right off that Millie was the one that forces Logan to walk away but it wasn’t something she wanted to do but instead it was something Millie felt was best for Logan. Millie attempts to make contact with Logan to finally bring closure for herself and reveal her real reasons for pushing Logan away. This reunion does not go at all as planned. Logan is still bitter and holds a grudge with how Millie ended their relationship. He does not give Millie the chance to explain! The reunion leads Millie and High to enter into an ugly game of love/hate sex full of angst and heavy emotions.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the fourth book in this series. High wasn’t on my radar and I didn’t have any expectations going into Walk Through Fire. This book was chock full of EMOTIONS! The first half was ANGST and heavy on the emotional baggage and the second half was KA’s signature style of road to happiness full of smexy scenes, love words ala alpha male style and lots of goodness with characters from previous books.

Millie and High’s story is told throughout with flashbacks to their young relationship! I loved how KA did this. I thought the story of how the H and h met was so sweet. The peeks we are given of the evolution of their young love allowed the readers to understand why twenty years later, there is still a heavy emotional connection that never ended for either parties. There was a scene in this book that made me sob ugly tears. I felt like I was there witnessing this scene in person. It was very heart wrenching. This scene was very memorable and after the third read of this book I still get choked up with tears. Millie and High’s second chance at love was very hard fought road. It was filled with ugly, very hurtful verbal and actions took place, and mainly by Logan and the Chaos men. I understood where the men came from, especially since they are very focused on the club being like a family and are loyal to each other. I loved their bumpy ride to their happily ever after and for me this is probably my favorite story so far of the Chaos series. I adored this couple and just loved reading their second chance romance. High was married during their years apart. His ex is very much in the picture and I have to tell you, that it was a breath of fresh air how the ex was betrayed. This was probably one of the most healthy divorced couple relationship of any KA books. It was great to see all the adults work together and nice to see no ugly words about the ex.

The gang all make appearances in this one. I loved how KA seamlessly weaves all these previous characters into each book without taking the limelight from the main couple. It’s like coming home to a loving family reunion and enjoying catching up and seeing how everyone is doing with every book. I love it. I can’t wait for Boz and Snapper’s story. I’m pretty sure we met their love interest in this book and I can’t wait for these boys to get their turn! It’s going to be eventful. :) The villain from the previous three books makes some bold moves in this one! I’m not sure how this story-line will play out through the rest of the series but I’m ready for this creep to go away, already! :) Walk Through Fire was another fantastic addition to the Chaos series. I adore KA’s writing and I love the raw and grit of her heroes in this series. As a fan I was immensely satisfied with this story! I highly recommend this book because it’s kick butt and will make you feel.

Review was originally posted on my blog! Read here → http://bit.ly/1Q6PtOj

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