Coraz�n de Hielo by Lis Wiehl

Coraz�n de Hielo (Triple Threat, #3) (Faith and Consequences)

by Lis Wiehl

Las novelas de Triple Threat Club presentan tres mujeres extremadamente inteligentes una periodista de television, una fiscal federal y una agente del FBI que investigan los crimenes tan pronto aparecen en los titulares diarios.

Las mujeres de Triple Threat han enfrentado situaciones intensas antes... pero nunca un homicidio a sangre fria, tan habilmente perpetrado.

Elizabeth Avery es una mujer espectacularmente hermosa. Pero su exterior tan perfectamente logrado esconde el frio corazon de un asesino. Ingeniosamente ha manipulado a todo el que se cruza en su camino para que haga exactamente lo que ella desea, desde Cassidy Shaw, periodista de sucesos, que la considera su nueva mejor amiga, hasta un timido joven a quien Elizabeth persuade para que asesine por ella.

Mientras Elizabeth deja un rastro de cuerpos a su paso, la fiscal federal Allison Pierce y la agente del FBI Nicole Hedges deben reunir todas las pistas de crimenes aparentemente sin relacion entre si. ?Podran detener a Elizabeth antes de que llegue a su inimaginable final de juego?

Reviewed by Charli G. on

5 of 5 stars

Heart of Ice was my very first Triple Threat Novel and I can honestly say I don't intend for it to be my last. While I do tend toward young adult books more often than not lately (as my TBR pile can attest), I love a good thriller, horror, or suspense novel as well, and Heart of Ice fit the suspense novel bill nicely.

Lis Wiehl and April Henry hit the nail on the head with this novel - the Triple Threat Club, Cassidy, Allison, and Nicole are perfect characters and a great way to rival another famous group of women crime solvers - the famed Women's Murder Club created by James Patterson. With Federal prosecutor Allison, FBI Agent Nicole, and crime reporter Cassidy, the only thing missing is the coroner, but I found that the lack of the fourth member of the club didn't make a bit of difference and truthfully, while I love James Patterson, I've never been able to read any of the Women's Murder Club novels in their entirety like I was this novel.

I have a favorite character already - Nicole. She is tough on the outside because that is expected of her as an FBI agent. But she's still a human being and when it comes right down to it, she is just like you and me. She gets scared, she cries, she is a human being. When she gets some life-altering news, you get a taste of just how real she is.

I also love Allison and her interactions with her sister Lindsay. There is another story within a story there and it is wonderful.

Cassidy and her problems are another matter entirely and frankly, I love that while they are not focused on in this novel, enough background is given to let the reader know that Cassidy is definitely not without her faults.

Add to the mix a charismatic villain and you have the makings of a great novel. The stories within the story are ones that can be carried on to other novels in the series and do not detract from the general story itself. I can't wait to read another Triple Threat novel.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 21 March, 2012: Reviewed