Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Jilted was a feel-good romance, second-chance-at love story that had lots of obstacles in the way for the two main characters.

Bennett really has a way to reign in her readers, and that's exactly what happened when I started reading Jilted! Both Eden and Coop were great characters, which made understanding where Coop was coming from in the beginning a bit easier to deal with. And everyone who has ever chatte books with me know that second chance at love is one of my all time favorite tropes! Eden and Coop had both been through their personal hell, but meeting up again didn't exactly make things any easier for either of them.

Jilted starts with Eden finding out that her fiancé has cheated on her, and after making the paparazzi aware of the fact, she decides to disappear to her hometown. Where she hasn't been back since she started to become famous. Hiding in the mansion her grandmother had left for her seemed like the best idea. Until she realized that the mansion was Coop's home as well now.

Jilted has many humorous moments, and even more hot ones! Coop and Eden trying to decide who got the best room, when to stay clear of each other, and how to try to stay away from each other was a hoot! There was a lot of animosity against Eden, though, and she couldn't understand why nobody wanted to talk to her - apart from the one girl in high school she hadn't ever really hung out with.

Fairly fast paced, and well written, Jilted was a hot romp of a read, but also touched on deeper subjects, like how people think they 'know' celebrities. And how even those who actually do know them can make mistakes when it comes to their personalities and how they would deal with things - or not - when there was trouble. Bennett always manages to make me feel sated with her stories, and this one really hit the mark! Written in first person, present tense, with dual point of view, the story flowed nicely and made me a happy reader.

Tonight I was publicly humiliated, lost my fiancé, and I already feel the terrible wight of anxiety pressing down on my chest, wondering what tomorrow's headlines are going to bring. I really hate this town sometimes.

I'm not a long-term type of guy, and this is well known in our little town of Newberry not only because the residents have watched me be a playboy my entire adult life, but because I've made it very clear to more than one lady that I'm only into casual dating.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2017: Reviewed