Collision Point by Lora Leigh

Collision Point

by Lora Leigh

The fiercest of warriors and protectors, Rory Malone is a force to be reckoned with. Honed from the strong Irish stock of their father and sharpened to a razor’s edge, Malone men live for one single purpose: to the protect the women who own them, body and soul. From the moment he saw Amara Resnova, he knew she was his.

But Amara, daughter of a notorious crime boss, is a force in her own right. Betraying her father to escape, she’s finds herself in the arms of her own, powerful protector. But can Rory trust that a sheltered crime boss’s daughter has really left that life for good? And can Amara see past the brutal fighter Rory can be, and see the fire that burns for her within?

Reviewed by Lynn on

2 of 5 stars

A dream prompts Amara Resnova to look for Riordan Malone, even though she's not sure if they've shared a past because amnesia has wiped out her memories.

Riordan 'Rory' Malone has struggled to regain his fitness after he was severely injured, although that was nothing compared to the rejection of the woman he loved. Months later, he's shocked when she seeks him out. Unaware of their past, he's determined not to lose her again and will do anything to keep her close.

The writing style is choppy and it was a constant struggle to keep track of what was happening. Add in Amara's amnesia, and sometimes I was lost to the point where I considered DNF'ing. Liking a challenge, I plodded on, but after I finished reading Collision Point, I don't feel it was worth the extra effort. Small pockets within the narrative that held my attention, but with most of the focus on Amara and Riordan's lust filled thoughts and actions, it is difficult to see or remember anything beyond their physical relationship.

I didn't enjoy Amara's defensive attitude and personality. Her petulant behaviour and attitude are childish even though her thoughts and desires are very adult. She's not a protagonist I warmed too. To highlight the matter, her controlling father treats her like a child, instead of an adult. Rory was protective and possessive and combined with Amara's equally brusque nature, the pair together were too aggressive for my taste.

One character I liked was Noah. His presence always seemed to create an air of normality within the chaotic surroundings. I'll definitely be reading his story in Wild Card, Elite Ops #1.

Fans familiar with the author's previous novels, specifically the Elite Ops series, will love this first novel in the Brute Force series. Sadly, for me, Collision Point just didn't make a favourable impact.

***arc generously received courtesy of St Martin's Press via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2018: Reviewed