Reviewed by mitabird on

2 of 5 stars

This isn't the greatest review because I didn't really care for either story.

In Her Wildest Dreams by Walker, we meet Allie and Alex. Allie has been in love Alex for years. Alex doesn't notice her as a woman, just as his friend's kid sister. One night, she is being attacked by a mugger, but is holding her own, when Alex comes to the rescue. He doesn't want her to be alone and takes her to his house. They fall asleep on his couch, and wake up having sex. Allie loved it and it was the best sex Alex ever had, but in his guilt, acts like a moron. They avoid each other for months and when they meet up with each other again, he can't believe that this is the same shy girl.

I liked that Allie grew a bit of a spine, but not enough. Alex was an ass to her the night they slept together. When he realizes that he still wants her, she doesn't put up a fight at all. There's a lot of sex in this story; some of it was hot and some of it was not. I didn't care about either of them. 2.5 stars

In Cowboy & the Captive by Lora Leigh we have Melina and Luc. Melina is Maria's twin sister, but not very many people seem to know that (huh?). Maria is involved in drugs and has been in and out of trouble for most of her life. Their parents used Melina to get Maria out of a lot of scrapes (meaning Melina doubled as Maria). Anyway, Maria almost gets Luc and his friend killed and Luc vows revenge. With the help of Melina's brother, Luc kidnaps "Maria" so that she can clean up her act and get off the drugs. I understood the reasoning behind the kidnapping, but it was still stupid.

This story bordered on the ludicrous. It was disgusting that Melina's parents would be willing to subject her to jail time to prevent Maria from having to do it. Luc was a jerk the whole time and had few redeeming qualities. I honestly skimmed through most of this story because I just didn't care. This wasn't a good effort by Leigh. 2.5 stars

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  • Started reading
  • 6 April, 2009: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2009: Reviewed