Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

Something Borrowed

by Emily Giffin

Rachel Miller and Darcy Rhone have been best friends since childhood. They've shared birthdays, the horrors of high school and even boyfriends, but while Darcy is the sort of woman who breezes through life getting what she wants when she wants it, Rachel has always played by the rules and watched her stunning best friend steal all the limelight. The one thing Rachel's always had over Darcy is the four-month age gap which meant she was first to being a teenager, first to drive, first to everything - but now she's about to be first to thirty. And Darcy...Read more

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews This is a difficult one for me. I hate cheaters I think if you’re not happy you should end it because cheating does more harm than good.

However Darcy irritated me from the moment she appeared, she is so self-centred. I’ve had a friend like Darcy and I was Rachel. I was always letting my friend take the spotlight while I was in the background until she needed me to look after her. So seeing Rachel get back at Darcy was quite satisfying.

Hilary was a great character. She really made Rachel see the light and stop thinking that Darcy should get what she wants because she’s Darcy.

I also loved Ethan without giving too much away he’s there for Rachel when she needs him the most.

There were a lot of twists and turns in this book. I switched sides quite a few times. Team Rachel and Dex then Team Rachel and Marcus then back to Team Rachel and Dex. I enjoyed the ending of this book and I was eager to read Something Blue.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 June, 2013: Reviewed