Hurry Up and Slow Down by Layn Marlow

Hurry Up and Slow Down

by Layn Marlow

Hare is always raring to go. He races through the day while the ever-patient Tortoise does his best to keep up. Hare, it certainly seems to Tortoise, has boundless energy. So Tortoise has plans for when it is time for Hare to go to bed - a well-deserved rest with a cup of chamomile tea! And, for the first time in the day, it is Tortoise who is in a hurry. He reads speedily, with one eye on his cuppa. But Hare has other ideas. As far as he is concerned, when it's time for his bedtime story from Tortoise, he is no longer in a hurry. In fact he wants to take all the time in the world and linger over every picture. After all, some things just shouldn't be rushed!

Toddlers will love this simple story, with its cosy farmland setting and lovable characters. And while adults are reading a story that highlights the differences between the energetic and impetuous Hare and the rather more circumspect Tortoise, they will no doubt smile as they recognise the parallels with their own experiences of childcare!

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Hurry Up and Slow Down, is one of those adorable picture books that I know I would have adored as a kid.

The artwork is simply yet stunning and vibrant, and I loved the cute friendship between Tortoise and Hare that is a much more friendly twist on the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. Instead of a rivalry we have a close friendship of two opposing personalities, and much like the summary suggests it’s easy to draw parallels between them and the parent/child relationship.

Overall this is a super cute book that ends in a super sweet way.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 6 September, 2014: Reviewed