Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

With the phone call from Mattie Steinburg’s boyfriend, Travis, asking to sleep with others in the beginning I was firmly team Mattie. Mattie heads to the airport to fly and confront him, then she meets big, sexy, sweet Logan McNarry. The encounter and chemistry between the two of them is off the charts.

Logan McNarry is everything I love to have in a hero. He’s sweet, considerate and sexy and would never ask his lady for a “free pass” for a night. He does have his own demons yet he still finds and believes in love at first sight, that makes him pretty impressive in my book. After meeting Logan McNarry, I jumped teams to Logan.

I’ll admit the idea of them meeting in an airport, talking for a bit and then having an sexual encounter did seem a bit much for me. I was able to overlook it though. The story goes on to deal with Mattie and Travis and Mattie and her family and Logan and his issues. I didn’t feel like I got a lot of background on Mattie, and would have loved more. I also felt like sometimes the story didn’t focus enough on Logan and Mattie.

Honestly, I enjoyed the story. It wasn’t my favorite but I did enjoy it. I loved Logan most of all, and I think he made the story for me. He’s probably the reason I enjoyed it so much.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

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  • 26 July, 2013: Reviewed