Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

3 of 5 stars

Okay so I have finished four of these...and let me tell you, that's kind of enough. I would be hesitant to call this one fun. The dots and numbers are SUPER tiny and unless you are using a pencil, it's going to be damn difficult to see them because some of them overlap.
I'm only 27 and I know I have bad vision, but damn it I'm nearsighted...this shouldn't have made my eyes wanted to shrivel up in my skull. I can only work on these for about 10 mins at a time before I get a headache. You need extreme lighting and a very transparent writing utensil (i.e. lead pencil) to go through this one with little to problems, maybe even a magnifying glass or lamp...

July 2019
I have shown this book to someone else and within about five minutes they had tears in their eyes. I wish I could say it was because the image was so beautiful that they were overcome, but really it's because their eyes were begging to be released from their physical forms.
The images are cool but the price you pay for them is steep. It would be a pretty good torture device though.

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  • 30 June, 2018: Reviewed
  • Started reading
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  • 30 June, 2018: Reviewed