Star Wars: Rebel Rising by Beth Revis

Star Wars: Rebel Rising

by Beth Revis

When Jyn Erso is eight years old, her mother is murdered and her father taken from her to serve the Empire. Saw Gerrera, a man willing to go to any extremes necessary in order to resist Imperial tyranny, takes her in as his own. But fighting alongside Saw brings danger - and the question of just how far Jyn is willing to go.

When she faces an unthinkable betrayal that shatters her world, Jyn will have to decide what she truly believes in ... and who she can really trust.

New York Times bestselling author...Read more

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

This book is perfect for anyone that's curious about what happened to Jyn Erso after Saw Gerrera retrieves her from the cave, but before we see her rescued from the prison transport ship. It does a perfect job of making you even more sympathetic for Jyn, which makes you wish all the more that circumstances ended differently for her.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 May, 2017: Reviewed