The Secret of Haversham House by Julie A Matern

The Secret of Haversham House

by Julie A Matern

A young British woman and her aristocratic family are forced to conceal the truth about her birth and adoption in order to secure her inheritance and guarantee her a prosperous marriage in Regency England.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I truly loved this novel. The main character Francesca is so likable, but she is not perfect, but very endearing. I loved her attitude about life and when unseen circumstances came to light, she accepted things with grace and dignity. I also loved the character of Phillip, her good friend who was secretly in love with Francesca. I loved and admired Francesca's loving parents. My heart also couldn't help but love the Italian grandfather Giorgio. Two un-named characters I disliked greatly for different reasons and one is related to Francesca. Her behavior was appalling.

The idea that society rules in England overruled heart and smart thinking was so true. It plays a huge part in this story. I'm happy to say, the people who appeared to be the biggest snobs gained their just rewards. Even though the readers knows about the big reveal that will happen in the book this doesn't take away at all from the slight angst you go through wondering how it all will be revealed.

I highly recommend this Pure Romance book that's clean, well written,and has wonderful characters both good and evil. This novel would be enjoyed by older teens and adults.

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  • 31 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 July, 2018: Reviewed