Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

3 of 5 stars

My Synopsis:
Emma gets news that her ex-boyfriend of seven years has finally moved on and dating someone. Emma has been in a sort of holding pattern for the last eleven months and makes the decision to let the past go and move on finally. Once she sheds this baggage she instantly catches the eye of Nick, the sexy kiosk clerk at the train station/nightclub DJ and Seth, her sexy co-worker who Emma had been lusting for the last couple months. All of sudden Emma who'd never dated anyone but her ex has two sexy men vying for her heart and attention. With the chaos of her best friend's wedding, dealing with her ex, possible new job opportunities and juggling two guys, suddenly Emma's life has become a hive a activity.

My Review:
This book was a pleasant surprise. It's told from three different POV's. You are in the head of Emma, Seth and Nick. At first the book started off a bit slow for me. Mainly because it took awhile for me to wrap my head around all the different character's that were thrown at me. I was trying to grasp, who was who, who was related and who was friends with who. All of that kept putting me off my reading groove. Once I got all the characters roles situated, I settled into an entertaining reading experience.

Emma, is twenty-three years old and works as a receptionist at G&C Printing. I could relate to her character. I felt for her and the decision she made to end a longtime relationship because she recognized that they had grown apart. She may have been the one to make the break but the break up was still hard on her and she's still dealing with the end of something special. She was feisty, a homebody and clumsy. I adored that about her character. Her character was lovable. I liked her relationship with her best friend Kat. You can see how much their friendship means to her and how she values it.

Seth, is a sweetheart. He is Emma's co-worker. Once he notices Emma he really pursues her. He doesn't play any games and definitely wears his heart on his sleeve. The tension and pull between these two is smoldering. I really enjoyed reading the scenes between Seth and his sister. He's such a good big brother. So sweet and kind. He's that 'boy next door' type. Sweetheart but has a definite sexy side.

Nick is the bad boy. He doesn't do relationships. He's all about one night hook ups and that's it. When he's around Emma, what he feels for her definitely throws him for a loop. He's a cocky bastard and sexy. When these two are around each other, wow goodness me, the sexual tension is palpable. He definitely had me fanning myself. :)

I am so glad that I'm not in Emma's shoes. Both boys have qualities that make them irresistible. Things happen in this book that make my heart hurt for one of the guys. The book ends in a cliffhanger of sorts. All three are like the title says "Finding their Way" definitely by the end of this book.

I got pulled into the lives of Emma, Seth, Nick and all the secondary characters. I liked knowing the history behind Emma, Kat (her best friend), her ex (Josh), Jake (Kat's brother) and Ethan (Emma's brother). Lots of history, love and friendship. Everyone is close and it felt like I was part of the group instead of reading about it. I was got invested in all the characters lives by the end of Finding My Way. This was a decent read by a debut author. Slow jumbled start to the book but good read by the end.

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  • 1 July, 2013: Reviewed