The Forgotten Room by Lincoln Child

The Forgotten Room (Jeremy Logan, #4)

by Lincoln Child

Enigmalogist Jeremy Logan who specializes in investigating inexplicable phenomena probes strange happenings at the Newport, RI, mansion that houses the Symposikon think tank.

Reviewed by dpfaef on

2 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in Lincoln Child's Jeremy Logan series. This time out Logan is investigating the death of a senior scientist at an think tank in Newport, Rhode Island. While managing the restoration of a wing of an old Newport Mansion a well respected scientist commits what appears to be suicide. The director of the think tank calls Logan in to investigate.

As Logan investigates the death, strange thing begin to happen around the mansion, soon Logan finds a secret room with a lot of strange equipment. Eventually Logan puts it all together and a figures out what was going on.

This was not a bad book, but it was not really very good either. Preston and Child have produced some awesome writing in the past. This was not Child's best work. I keep reading these cause I remember how great their earlier work was and I suppose I just keep hoping this will be another great read.

This review was originally posted on THE PFAEFFLE JOURNAL

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  • Started reading
  • 11 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 11 June, 2015: Reviewed