Reviewed by celinenyx on

5 of 5 stars

Me and killer unicorns, we go way back. The first time I heard of their existence it was like finding that missing piece that completes you into a whole being. It filled the empty little place in my heart. And still now, I can't get enough.

Errant is a short story of about 30 pages, set in historical France. Gitta, a unicorn hunter trained in Rome, is summoned to help in a symbolic unicorn hunt. But there is more magic hiding in this estate than she expected...

I loved how in this tiny short story, Ms Peterfreund manages to insert several plot twists, character development and a teasing insight into the world of unicorn hunters. The story stands completely on its own, making it accessible for both die-hard fans and the relatively ignorant.

When I wrote this review, this novelette was still available for free. Read more about this offer on Diana Peterfreund's blog. Go read it, NOW!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 July, 2011: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2011: Reviewed