Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Truth Behind the Mask by W L Brooks is the fourth book in The McKay series. It tells the story of Alexandra McKay (Alex) owner of a bed-and-breakfast, and Jacob Keller (Jake) a private investigator. They couldn’t stand to be in the same space with each other. However, when a close family member and friend went missing, they had no choice but to work together in locating her.  

At the start I felt discombobulated, as I felt I was dropped in the middle of an ongoing story. It was at this point I realised that this was the fourth book in the series. Nevertheless, I continued reading and in no time I connected the dots. I ended up having a good time with this story.  

The gist of the story is the sudden disappearance of Alexandra’s sister, Fletcher, who also is a friend of Jake. Alex and her sister are not on good terms, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to find her, even if it meant she had to work with her enemy. I was curious to see how this association would play out and boy oh boy did sparks fly. Beneath the sheets and in the field they ignited the pages.

The story provided the perfect blend of romance and suspense. I enjoyed watching them progress from enemies  to lovers. The journey was not without its challenges. Alex, despite her tough persona, struggled with abandonment issues and feared surrendering her heart. Then there were issues of communication and interference by well-intentioned but nosy family members.

I found the search for Fletcher intriguing.  The clues she left behind when possible, though cryptic, aided with the search. Alex and Jake encountered challenges, some of which place them in dangerous situations. 

The story did not provide details of Fletcher’s feelings throughout her ordeal. Neither did it provide specifics as it relates to the villains mindset throughout the story. I believe these details would increase the intensity and excitement of the story.


Overall, The Truth Behind the Mask was a good read and fairly easy to follow despite it being the fourth book in the series. Fans of the genre should consider adding it to their reading list.

This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 28 June, 2021: Finished reading
  • 28 June, 2021: Reviewed