Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Darkness Descends was so much fun! Denny was just a normal college student until she learns that her family is part of a long line of demon hunters. It turns out that her parents' car accident was no accident, but a demon attack, and it's demons who framed her older brother for murder. Demons are also the reason her older sister joined a convent. Now, Denny is the current hunter in her family, and it's up to her to protect her friends, ghost lover, and family from evil.

I generally really like demon stories, and I particularly liked how they're handled in Darkness Descends. They're evil, of course, but they aren't part of the Christian idea of Heaven and Hell. They're their own thing, not connected to any higher power. They can be spirits kind of like ghosts, or they can be corporeal, which is basically the evilist of evil humans. Denny is a demon hunter, but she isn't magically gifted with the power to defeat them. Yes, she gets some extra sense, but she still has to train and study to be able to kill them. She actually really sucks at first, which was great! She has a lot more to learn.

Darkness Descends also has a really interesting romance. Denny's home has had a ghost in it for as long as she can remember. Rushalyn was always there, but didn't talk to Denny at first, waiting for her to grow up. Then when Denny turned 18, they became lovers. I'm sure that sounds strange, because Rush doesn't technically have a body, but she found a way to be with Denny, and apparently the sex is mind blowing! I loved how this worked, and that it wasn't some kind of cop-out. There are problems associated with it, and I liked that they were discussed. Although I was a bit saddened by that ending.

Darkness Descends was fun and action packed! There's always something going on as Denny learns about this family secret and takes on her inheritance. She also has to fight some demons along the way who think she's an easy target because she's new. There's also the matter of her younger sister's boyfriend not seeming right, her brother being wrongfully imprisoned, the hot witch who appears to want to be more than friends, and Denny's own demon! The only annoying thing was that there were no chapter breaks! Luckily, I read it in just two sittings.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 30 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2015: Reviewed