Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Cold Fury by Toni Anderson delivered an exciting, thrilling and emotional read which will appeal to readers who enjoy romantic suspense. In the latest instalment of the Cold Justice:Most Wanted series, FBI Operator Aaron Nash leads the team assigned to protect ADA Hope Harper from a notorious serial killer.

I picked up Cold Fury expecting a suspenseful ride with romance served on the side. I did not anticipate the deep emotional impact the story would have. Hope Harper, amidst a moment of triumph, experienced a tragic loss. A loss that would change the trajectory of her personal and professional life.

Seven years after the loss, instead of defending criminals, she prosecutes them instead. In the seven years since the tragedy which changed her life, she avoided personal relationships. Grief, anger and regrets were her constant companions. So when she discovered the person responsible for her current state had escaped prison and had her in his crosshairs, she welcomed the chance for retribution. If only the protection detail assigned to her wasn't so good at their job.

Aaron Nash and his team aren't looking forward to their latest assignment. The incident seven years ago had everyone in law enforcement viewing Hope negatively, rendering her unpopular. However, during the course of carrying out his duties, sparks ignited between the two, leading to an unexpected romance.

Tension, danger, intrigue, and romance blended well in this latest instalment by Toni Anderson. Unravelling the puzzle proved to be exciting, and the interactions between Aaron and Hope were delightful. Both were flawed and relatable. While Hope struggles with anger, grief, regrets, and guilt, Aaron wrestles with low self-esteem and anger.

Cold Fury proved difficult to put down. The escaped convict's quest for revenge against the persons he blamed for his incarceration, with Hope as his pièce de résistance, made for a thrilling ride. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one with an agenda, which led to a few plot twists and shocking moments.

Fans of mysteries, thrillers and romantic suspense should pick up Cold Fury along with the other books in the series.
This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 13 May, 2024: Reviewed