Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I want to start off and say I loved Luce! She is so real and down to earth and in her lowest moments just reminded me of…well me! Yes I know I am married, but even being married with a child, when the boy is away on tour, you feel lonely, Saturday nights by yourself as all your friends are with their loved ones and family. Living so far away from friends and family unable to go out and enjoy yourself it’s tough and again it’s lonely. Which is how Luce explodes one drunken night, making her just so relatable and loveable. She is not single and loving it, she is single trying to get by and dreams of a happy future with the man of her dreams.

Butttttttttt moving on! Luce is a scream, she is the type of girl I would love to hit the town with, and you know you would hit it hard! I also relate to her because deep down she is a good old-fashioned romantic, same as me! Who does not love a story where the boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after… me me!! I adore it and so Luce loving that and wanting that well she had me sold.

So she has not one but two best friends getting married and wanting her to be bridesmaids. She’s still pining for a douche Jamie, who had a girlfriend and also happens to be the best man at one of the weddings. She never got over him, so throw in Eliot and Handsome American Man you know it’s going to be a fun story.

I do love books about weddings and so to get two I was over the moon! Plus it’s another book I have found where the wedding is set in Scotland, love this! Real life vs book life overlapping again!

Tracey’s writing was easy to read and flowed so well, I struggled to get into the book at first but that’s mainly because my little one kept wanting to have a conversation about Horrid Henry and by no means, a reflection of the authors writing I would like to add.

I felt like I was welcoming old friends into my life, living the moments with them and it was a treat from the start. A few times I would have liked to give Luce a stern talking to and a few shakes of the shoulders but she acted in the best way she could with all the information she had, basically how I or anyone else would act in my opinion.

I really did adore this story as this time it was from the point of view of the bridesmaid just to add a different layer to it all. This book made me feel all warm and fuzzy, (its real it happens), I laughed, cried (happy tears) and mainly just sat there grinning from ear to ear.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2018: Reviewed