The Bastard Billionaire by Jessica Lemmon

The Bastard Billionaire (Billionaire Bad Boys, #3)

by Jessica Lemmon

Eli Crane is back from the war, missing a leg and ready to finally be left ALONE. So why is his family tampering in his life, sending him housekeepers to baby him? A man has a right to his solitude--especially after surviving the ravages of war. But when they stoop so low as to send beautiful Isabella Sawyer, they've gone too far. As if he'd be tempted to keep her around just because she has the body of a real life Jessica Rabbit...

Isa is NOT going to let some cranky billionaire sully her housekeeping agency's good name by...

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Reviewed by Ashley on

4 of 5 stars

Humph. I wasn't ready for it to end!

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Reading updates

  • 5 March, 2017: Started reading
  • 6 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 March, 2017: Reviewed