Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

3 of 5 stars

PERFECTION - Is what Olivia Owens was brought up to be at all times by her strict pastor father. Any little imperfections were constantly pounded verbally into her head, so when she gets the chance to go away to college, Olivia moves as far as she can from home. She makes a list of "Things I Want to Do" and hopes that she'll be able to finally experience LIFE and LIVE.

Olivia is in her sophomore year of college and by now has only crossed off 4 things from her list. She still hasn't done the things she wanted, because her fears and shyness holds her back from embracing her freedom. It takes a flat tire on the side of the road to change things up for Olivia. She meets sexy as hell Trace Wentworth that night. Trace stops to help change Olivia's tire and is instantly intrigued and attracted to Olivia. Olivia is all awkwardness around Trace but feels safe around him. A chance encounter soon turns into friendship. Olivia finds herself telling Trace about her list and even showing it to him. Trace wants to get to know Olivia more and offers to help her complete the list. Olivia starts to embrace LIFE and LIVES with the help of Trace. What started as friendship turns into something more when these two slowly work their way through the list.

Trace! Oh Trace! How you rocked my world. I loved me some Trace. All that confidence, the constant five o'clock shadow, the plaid shirts, tats and how he treated Olivia just made me melt in a puddle. I want my own Trace. Trace made this book for me. I was completely head over heels in love with him. He spoke his mind. I enjoyed when he'd call Olivia out on things and point them out to her. He treated her with kid gloves but then at the same time knew when to give her that extra nudge to get her out of her comfort zone. He also had me laughing. Some of the things that came out of his mouth was just too funny.

Now for Olivia she was OK for me! I liked her and then I didn't like her at times. Her character comes off really uptight and judgmental at the beginning. I was not feeling her at all and then part way through she grew on me and I started enjoying her more. I love the one scene that she puts a hurting on someone who deserves it. I wanted to get up and high five her butt! I enjoyed watching her transition and discovering things about herself. It was fun experiencing all those first with her.

OMG..I love the secondary characters in this book. Avery was my girl. I totally want to hang out with her. She was another highlight of this book for me. Her character was so funny and lovable. She's the kind of girlfriend I want having my back. I hope we get a story for her and Luca. I would love to see how they end up. Also loved the whole thing with Olivia's mom and Nick, Avery's brother. And Trent..oh Trent with your dimples. I hope we get your book too eventually. Overall I liked this book. It left me with a smile. I will definitely pick up more books by this author.

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  • 1 September, 2013: Reviewed