Reviewed by shannonmiz on

5 of 5 stars

This story was amazing. I read and liked Legacy Code, but Defect took things to a new level.

I was definitely intrigued to find out what had happened to lead to the events in Legacy Code, and was kind of shocked (and a bit terrified!) at how closely the world resembled ours (or at least, ours in a few years perhaps). This world was chilling, mainly because it felt quite plausible.

Selene is a great protagonist as well. She is so relatable, I feel like she responds much like we would in her situation. And grandmother Nan and brother Eli complimented her perfectly. The situations that Selene faced led to a fast-moving, exciting plot that ended in a cliffhanger.

I could not and did not put this story down from start to finish. I was that immersed in it. I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment! I don't want to say much else, for fear of giving anything away, but this is a story not to be missed!

*Copy was provided for honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 July, 2014: Reviewed